MBA Notes - Building Advertising Program

Question - What is advertising creation stage in building of advertising program?

Ad-creation stage consists of three stages:

  1. Idea Generation
  2. Copy-writing
  3. Layout
1. Idea generation stage
  1. Orientation: First of all in the process of idea generation it is necessary to identify the purpose or objective of communication then only a proper creative idea can be decided.
  2. Preparation: Relevant and sufficient information is required to be gathered. 
  3. Analysis: Once the information is collected is required to be properly organized under different heads like- technical information, consumer behaviour information, competitors' information etc.
  4. IdeationIdeation is the generation of actual ideas by trying different combinations of facts and information available.
  5. IncubationOnce ideas are generated, they are kept aside to incubate, i.e., to let the subconscious mind work on them for sometime.
  6. SynthesisWhen the team arrives at this step, it is equipped with a number of ideas. In this stage, the emphasis is on combining these ideas and evolving something substantial from it.
  7. Evaluation: The various ideas generated in the previous steps are evaluated here. The criteria used for evaluation are described here. The idea should be: 
  8. i) Relevant to the communication objectives.
    ii) Original and capable of catching the attention of the viewer.
    iii) Flexible so that they can be modified or extended to other advertisements in the future.
2. Copy Writing
The word 'Copy' has a specific meaning in the world of advertising. Advertisement Copy is the soul of advertisement. An Advertisement Copy is the written and spoken matter expressed in words, sentences, and figures designed to convey the desired message to the target audience. In print media the elements of an ad-copy are head line, sub-headlines, illustrations, slogans, and brand name.

Approaches to Copy Writing
A copy-writer has to answer the following questions to prepare an effective advertising copy:
  • What am I advertising?
  • To whom am I advertising?
  • How can I convey best the advertising message to my readers?
  • Where and how the product is being sold?
  • When the product is purchased and used?
  • What legal implications are involved?
3. Layout
A layout is a miniature sketch of the proposed advertisement. A rough layout is first prepared in which the headline and subheads are lettered in artwork and photographs are drawn or provided, and the position various elements of ad-copy is indicated. The rough layout is tested and modified to prepare the final layout. The final layout is appended with many explanations and mechanical designs to give a comprehensive view. It refers to specifications for estimating costs, guidance for engravers and blueprints for advertisers.

‘Layout’ means two things; in one sense, it means the total appearance of the advertisement – its design and the composition of its elements; in another sense, it means physical rendering of the design for the advertisement – its blueprint for production purposes.

Functions of the Layout
  • It Organizes all the Elements
  • It Brings Together Copy Writer and Art Director
  • It Enables the Advertiser to Visualize his Future Advertisement.
  • It Acts as a Guide to the Copy Specialists.

Copy Testing

Copy testing is a means of measuring the communication value of advertising. As a diagnostic tool rather than an evaluative tool, copy testing can be instrumental to the creative development process. There are two key objectives in a copy testing framework. One objective is to determine whether the advertising can cut through the clutter and make people stop and notice the ad. The second is to assess whether the ad communicates the intended message.
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