PPT - Business Etiquettes

Etiquettes are the rules and conventions governing correct or polite behavior used in society, in a particular social or professional group setting. Business Etiquette is all about building relationships with people within and outside a business organization. In the business world, it is people that influence your success or failure. Etiquette, and in particular business etiquette, is simply a means of maximizing your business potential.

If you feel comfortable around someone and vice versa, better communication, and mutual trust will develop. This comfort zone is realized through presenting yourself effectively. Business etiquette helps you achieve this. 

Business etiquette revolves around two things. Firstly, thoughtful consideration of the interests and feelings of others and secondly, minimizing misunderstandings. Both are dependent upon self conduct. Business etiquette polishes this conduct.

PPT - Business Etiquette II 

Business Etiquette II - Presentation Transcript

1. Business Etiquette by eNotesMBA

2. Key Aspects of Business Etiquette
  • What is Business Etiquette
  • Importance of Introduction
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • office Etiquette
  • Dress etiquette

3. What is Business Etiquette - Etiquette is the rules and conventions governing correct or polite behavior used in society, in a particular social or professional group setting. 
In Business Terms :
  • Understanding overall business Decorum 
  • Treating others with respect and being courteous 
  • Being comfortable around people 
  • Presenting yourself in an acceptable manner

4. The Importance of Introduction

  • In today’s business situations people must be able to properly introduce themselves and others without feeling apprehensive.
  • Failing to introduce people in a business situation makes you look downright unprofessional.
  • Always rise as a mark of respect.
  • Look into the eyes and smile
  • Give a firm handshake
  • Say, “ how do u do?”

5. Rules of Introduction

  • Younger people to older people;
  • Junior ranking professionals to senior ranking professionals;
  • Business contacts and staff to clients;
  • Say important persons name first and add a few words about that person;
  • If you forget someone’s name during an introduction, don’t panic. Look the person directly in the eye and with a sincere smile, say “I’m sorry, but your name just slipped my mind. Could you remind me?”
  • Stay around till both the parties start speaking.

6. Handshake

7. Handshake
  • Handshake is a gesture of acceptance and welcome;
  • Extend your right hand;
  • Web to web, finger to finger;
  • Give slight pressure;
  • Grasp the other person’s hand firmly and completely;
  • Look into the eyes and smile;
  • Release the hand in three seconds;
  • But no matter what, never, ever refuse to accept someone’s hand.

8. Telephone Etiquette
  • When you initiate a call identify yourself;
  • Tell the basic nature of your call;
  • Have someone answer your calls;
  • Always return calls; and
  • No phone calls during meetings.

9. Office Etiquette
  • Greetings
  • Punctuality
  • Space
  • Time
  • Play the Host
  • Posture
  • Hovering
  • Communication
  • Credit and Compliments
  • Speak well of your co-workers

10. Cubical Etiquette

11. Cubical Etiquette
  • Never enter someone's cubicle without permission. 
  • Announce yourself at their doorway or lightly knock on the wall. 
  • Post a sign or flag at your cube entrance to signal when you can be interrupted. 
  • Don't peek in as you walk past each one.

12. Cubical Etiquette
  • Don't loiter outside someone's cube while you wait for him or her to finish a phone call. 
  • Never read someone's computer screen or comment on conversations you overhear. 
  • Keep your hands off other's desks. Just because there's no door doesn't mean you can help yourself to their paper 
  • Avoid eating meals inside the cube.

13. Dress Etiquette
  • The Professional look 
  • Dress for the part 
  • Simple but Classy 
  • Grooming
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