October 2019

MBA Notes - Media Planning Process

Question - Define media planning, also explain steps in development of media plan. Answer The word Media came from the Latin word &...

Manish Patidar 4 Oct, 2019

Marketing Notes - Identifying and Analysing Competitors

Question - What do you mean by the term 'competitors' in marketing? How to identify key competitors in marketing, and how to ana...

Manish Patidar 1 Oct, 2019

MBA Notes - DAGMAR Model

Question  - What is DAGMAR Model? Explain communication process in DAGMAR approach. Answer DAGMAR   stands for Defining Advertisin...

Manish Patidar 1 Oct, 2019

MBA Notes - Identifying and Analysing International Opportunities

Question : How the international opportunities for business can be identified and analysed? Answer Introduction Entire world is ope...

Manish Patidar 1 Oct, 2019