Human Resource Planning - Meaning, Components, and Objectives

Question: What is Human Resource Planning (HRP)? What are the components of Human Resource Planning? What are the main objectives of Human Resource Planning?


Introduction to Huaman Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of analysing and strategising the organisation's current and future human resource needs based on goals and vision of the organisation. It is essentially concerned with the process of estimating and projecting the supply and demand for different categories of personnel in the organisation for the years to come.

What will happen if there are not enough employees hired in a certain role; obviously it will slowdown the workflow and later it will create a major problem, like a missed deadline. No business whether small or large can succeed if all the time the business is not correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business need.

With proper human resource planning, managers will recognise early warning signs within the staff and implement pre existing action plans to address issues before they create any disruption.

Human Resource Planning is done to ensure - adequate supply of human resource, proper quality of human resource, and effective utilisation of human resource.

Meaning of Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of analysing and strategising the organisation's current and future human resource needs based on goals and vision of the organisation. It is essentially concerned with the process of estimating and projecting the supply and demand for different categories of personnel in the organisation for the years to come.

Definition of Human Resource Planning

According to E.W Vetter, Human Resources Planning is defined as - "a process by which an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. Through planning management strives to have the right number and right kind of people at the right places at the right time, doing things which result in both the organization and the individual receiving maximum long-run benefit".

According to Leon C Megginson, Human Resources Planning is "an integrated approach to performing the planning aspects of the personnel function in order to have a sufficient supply of adequately developed and motivated people to perform the duties and tasks required to meet organizational objectives and satisfy the individual needs and goals of organizational members".

Components of Human Resource Planning

  • Estimating Manpower Requirement
  • Workload Analysis 
  • Workforce Analysis 
  • Absenteeism 
  • Labor turnover 
  • Recruitment and Selection 
  • Induction and Development 
  • Personnel Development 
  • Ensuring quality to products and services 
  • Overall assessment and performance and fine - tuning

Objectives of Human Resource Planning

The following are the important objectives of Human resource Planning:-
  1. Assessing future manpower needs and making plans for recruitment and selection.
  2. Assessing skill requirement in future for the organisation.
  3. Determining training and the development needs of the organisation.
  4. Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff and avoiding unnecessary detentions or dismissals.
  5. Controlling wage and salary costs.
  6. Ensuring optimum use of human resources in the organisation.
  7. Helping the organisation to cope with the technological development and modernisation.
  8. Ensuring career planning of every employee of the organisation and making succession programmes.
  9. Ensuring higher labour productivity.
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