Role of Advertising in Marketing and Process of Advertising

Question - Explain the role of advertising in marketing communications. Also describe the steps in the process of advertising.

The finest products, the most attractive price tags, and the best marketing channels are of no mean if the target customers don't know the product; and the chances of product success is low. Effective marketing communication is crucial for the success of a product or a business. In marketing communications advertising plays an important role.

Role of Advertising in Marketing Communication

Marketing communications are the means by which organisations attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Marketing communications inform and make consumers aware about the availability of the product or service, about its usage, price and special offers. Marketing Communications attempt to persuade potential consumers to purchase and try the product. Marketing communications can also be used to reinforce experiences, or to remind consumers about their needs and their past experiences related to the product with a view to convince them for repurchases. Marketing communication also differentiate products in markets where there is little to separate competing products and brands.

Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media by industry, business firms, nonprofit organisations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience.

The advertising message has to reach a billion people, speaking different languages, practicing many religions. Advertisers can reach their audiences through television, radio, cinema, print medium, outdoor advertising, sales promotion and the Internet. Hence, advertising is a form of mass communication.

Process of Advertising

Following are the steps that are required to be followed for development and execution of advertising :-
  1. Briefing - Advertising process starts with briefing - a document confirming understanding between client and advertising agency on - what product to advertise, objective of advertising, time-frame of ad campaign, strategies to reach the audience, and total estimated cost.
  2. Market Research - After briefing market research will done. Research include - comparison of advertiser's product or service with competitor's product or service, consumers' perception of their brand in comparison to their competitors, study of competitors' advertising, and response of consumers to competitors' advertising.
  3. Identify Target Audience - Next step is to identify target audience. Using the market research, the advertising agency will identify the target audience.
  4. Media Selection - Using the research, the advertising agency or the media agency will select the media that should be used to reach the target audience in the most cost effective way.
  5. Ad Designing & Ad Creation - At this step the creative people of advertising agency will convert the advertising communication into words and pictures. The copywriter will write the copy of advertising and the art director will visually implement the copywriter's message.The advertising agency may get the filming or taping done by outside production companies.
  6. Decide Place & Time - This step is to decide where and when the advertisement will be shown. Traffic department within the advertising agency will ensure that the commercials are ready on time and all required legal approvals have been granted. 
  7. Execution - Finally the advertisement will be executed.
  8. Performance Check - Once the advertisement is executed, the media agency will check its performance.
Following the above steps the client or marketer can effectively communicate its marketing messages with its target audience.

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